Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Season 3, Episode 12, “Ghosts” (1-16-2017)

Mourners gather for Mario’s funeral; Harvey sees Jim off in the distance and asks what he is doing there – says if Falcone sees him, God only knows what he will do.  Jim protests he HAD to kill Mario because he was infected; Harvey understands that but says this is not the time or place and he needs to leave.  Jim goes home and finds a “messenger” – the man tells him, he messed up by killing “the Don’s son” and it’s only a matter of time before he ends up with a bullet in his head.  He tells him, personally though, he never liked Mario and tells Jim, “nice shot.”  Jim goes to work.  Lee comes into the police station, very angry with Jim, yelling in front of everybody.  She tells him he is the real virus, seeping into people’s lives until he destroys them and tells him he hasn’t heard the end of this.  Now he looks worried.  Lee talks to her father-in-law; he says Jim’s life is now his to take, “blood for blood.”  She tells him she hates him so much right now; however, knowing she once loved him, Falcone asks her if she can live with his death.  

Jim and Harvey investigate a death by electrocution; they are shocked to hear that two nights ago, this same girl had been stabbed by her boyfriend and was pronounced dead at that time.  They wonder how she was walking down the train tracks last night if that were the case; they go check with the morgue storage and find the box this girl had been stored in, empty.  Jim and Harvey come upon a group of people gathering to listen to a man speak; he tells them they are all prisoners and proceeds to play a weird video of a man with blood on his face inciting the crowd; Jim calls out “party is over” and holds up his badge.  Some fighting ensues and everybody rushes out; as Jim and Harvey try to follow, the assassin takes aim.  Shots are fired rapidly and Jim ducks out of the way; he runs into a kitchen, where the assassin pursues him.  The place gets shot up and people run out; Jim hides.  The man tells him he has had a good run and walks toward him; Jim catches him off guard and manages to disarm him and knock him to the ground.  Jim leaves.  

Salina sits uncomfortably with a woman, asking why she is back, and why now, after eleven years; it’s her mom.  She says she had no choice but to leave her at that orphanage – she, herself, was left there… she says she had her on the streets, where she grew up.  If she didn’t leave her, she would have gone to prison; she couldn’t take care of a five-year-old.  Salina blows her off and tells her goodbye; the woman leaves.  Alfred finds Salina’s mother at the door of the Wayne mansion, leaving a box for her daughter; he invites her in and Bruce asks her to stay.  She says she can’t but asks them to make sure Salina gets the box; “some things she kept from her time here in Gotham.”  Bruce asks the woman to give him a chance to talk to Salina before she goes; he takes Salina the box and convinces her to give her mother another chance.  Her mom comes in behind him; Salina hugs her.  Alfred makes dinner and Ms. Kyle says it is wonderful; Salina says he’s a real catch, but an easy mark though.  She picks his pocket, holding up his wallet.  Ms. Kyle stands up and hugs him, saying she sees what Salina means; she holds up his pocket watch.  He is not amused; Bruce offers to have her stay the night.  She says he is very kind.  They drive her to her hotel room the next morning and find a man there; he asks who the rich guy is, Salina tells him and the man says he is going to visit Bruce Wayne.  Her mother tells Salina they need to warn her friends; “Cole” isn’t someone they should mess with, she says.

Lee goes to visit the ex-Captain in prison; she wants to know if her husband would have become a diseased maniac and killed her.  He tells her this virus is the best thing that ever happened to him, saying it’s the antidote not the disease.  He says he is getting stronger every day; he feels it pulsing through his veins, restoring his body.   She thinks that means her husband could have been cured; they had time.  Barnes says he doesn’t need to be cured; and begins to yell about how everyone is going to be judged, murderers, thieves and rapists.  He screams they will all be convicted and executed; he will purge Gotham… Lee runs out of the cell.  She goes back and tells Falcone to call off the hit.  

Mayor Cobblepot is requested at an impromtu press conference; jobs are up, market’s up and crime is way, way down… his press secretary tells him to enjoy the moment.  His Chief of Staff says they need to cash in on this immediately; he suggests doing an interview with Margaret Hurst (who hosts a national talk show).  Penguin asks how his hair looks.  She says he has either found his calling, or just knows how to show people what they want to see; she wants the interview to take place at City Hall, this Friday.  Then she tells him, she isn’t a fan and she won’t be holding back; Gotham, she says will see their mayor as he truly is.  Penguin says he has nothing to hide, but looks worried as she leaves.  That night, Penguin is a awoken from sleep with a rock coming through a window; a picture frame is broken on the ground.  As he looks at it, the ghost of his father wanders through the living room; he tells Oswald “he is not to be trusted.”  The police knock on Penguin’s door and tell him someone dug up his father’s remains.  His father appears again, this time dressed in his Sunday best; he repeats “he can’t be trusted” and when Oswald asks who can’t be trusted, his dead father says “the birthday boy.”  That’s weird.  The next morning, Cobblepot comes into his office to hear people singing “Happy Birthday” in the lobby; he remembers his dad’s warning about the birthday boy.  

Penguin goes to check an empty office and finds a bag in a closet with a dead body in it; flies swarming the body.  His Chief of Staff walks in and asks what that is; Penguin flips out, thinking he's the one who put the body there and he lashes out with a metal trophy, smashing the man in the face several times, killing him.  The secretary knocks on this man’s door, asking if he has seen the mayor; Penguin rushes out, cleans up and shows up late for his interview.  Hurst says she hopes he is ready; she asks him how he brought Gotham to its safest period in history.  She says many died so he could rise and asks what he thinks of that; he says it’s an exaggeration.  She brings up the murder of Theo Gallivan; he says some people call it murder, other’s called it a public service.  She then asks about his father and he sees his father’s ghost, carrying the bloody trophy into the room.  Oswald gets nervous and says he needs to go; she says people of America want to know the truth and he says “to hell with the people.”  He goes back into the room where he killed the CoS, and finds the room completely clean, the bodies both gone.  Scene flashes to Nigma, who has the bodies in his trunk; Penguin’s “dad” walks up and transforms into the assassin.  Nigma tells him he did a good job; Barbara comes up and congratulates Nigma on a job well done, saying Penguin lost his mind on national TV just like he said he would.  He recalls setting it all up; they laugh about how they are going to exact their revenge on Penguin, eventually putting him out of his misery.  Barbara laughs.  

Harvey shows up at Jim’s with a couple rifles, telling Jim he deserved a little warning, since he is standing next to Jim most the time; the assassin follows him in, shooting.  Falcone walks in and tells the man the job is off, he can go home; he says okay and leaves.  Jim looks confused.  Across town, in a basement laboratory, a man I don’t recognize asks how the girl escaped; he says she led the cops right to him.   Another man says he turned for a moment and she must have stumbled out; but, he says, this proves his design works…she came back to life.  But not for long, the first man says, the current is still too strong; he says they have to move quickly.  He tells the man to “gather the others” saying it is time to “get him.”  The scene scrolls over to a dozen or so cryogenic containers with bodies in them, focusing last on the one… containing "The Joker.”

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