Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Season 3, Episode 11, “Beware the Green-Eyed Monster” (11-28-2016)

Mario talks to a man in a bar, who happens to be a hemotologist.  He asks him if he knows about the test for the virus; the man says he really can’t comment about it.  He takes the man outside and squeezes his head until it pops; blood spurts all over his face.  Jim says it reminds him of Barnes; Harvey says it couldn’t be, he’s locked up.  Jim finds a receipt from the lab where Alice Tetch’s blood is being tested; Jim asks the security guard to tell him if the dead man’s keycard gets used; he says it was used twenty minutes ago and he hasn’t logged out.  Jim gets knocked out immediately upon stepping into the lab, as Mario throws him through a glass window.  He writes “Arkham” on Jim’s hand and tells him to come find him.  Jim worries this man might be going after Captain Barnes; he goes to visit Jervis Tetch.  He threatens him, asking for the name of the other person infected with her sister’s blood – Jervis laughs at him.  He says he is having too much fun playing this game; Jim tells him it isn’t a game… he spits out a riddle about the one he loves being murdered by hate.  Jim asks what he means; Jervis says his name can’t be spoken – from healer to killer, he says, it is no easy trick.  Jim supposes he is referring to Dr. Strange.  

Harvey asks Jim if he’s crazy shooting Mario on his wedding day; Jim tells him he didn’t have a choice, he has the virus.  Harvey doesn’t believe him; Jim insists, as they wait for the lab to test Mario’s blood.  The technician tells Jim and Harvey that he does not have the virus; Jim says he knows he has it, and he figured out how to beat the test, and he is going to prove it.  Jim talks to Mario; he doesn’t deny having the virus… he tells him he will do anything to keep Lee.  He says what keeps him up at night is that a part of her still loves Jim.  Jim suggests they find her and ask; Mario says he doesn’t think so.  ‘Victor’ walks in and holds Jim at gunpoint; then says he can go when the clock hits a certain time.  

Alfred and Bruce get ready to go after the Court of Owls; Salina is worried about Bruce; she says she thinks it’s a punk move for him to make a deal with the people who killed his parents.  Alfred tells him he did what he did to protect her, and it cost him dearly.  Bruce, Alfred and Logue (the leader of the Whisper Gang) stand on the rooftop, discussing their next move.  He sees Salina; tells her they are going to incorporate their plan today.  Salina shows up to help.  They catch guards off-guard and knock them out, sneak into the mansion and head for the saferoom; they shoot an arrow with a cable attached to it into the safe and Salina tightrope walks across it, as Bruce holds it with all his might.  She puts the key in and unlocks the door; there is only a statue of an owl inside.  She takes it.  Mario walks in and hits Bruce; he drops the cable and Salina falls to the floor.  The alarms go off.  Alfred starts fighting Mario; Bruce steps in, and so does Salina.  She hits the man over the head with a vase.  A mysterious woman appears; Salina says it’s her mom.  

Barbara comes to see Nigma again; she asks if he’s figured out who really killed Isabella.  He tells her he is searching the entire city and won’t stop until he finds them; she calls him a naive baby.  She makes a riddle about love; Nigma gets what she is suggesting… that Oswald is in love with him and killed Isabella out of jealousy.  He says its ridiculous; he asks what her motive in all this is.  She claims she just wants justice for that poor, sweet girl.  Nigma tells Penguin that he has been having the desire to become more than friends; Penguin gets excited and tells him that he feels the same way too.  He moves in to kiss him; Nigma holds his hand up and says there’s been a misunderstanding – he was talking about becoming business partners.  

As Penguin is awarded a plaque, Edward imagines stabbing him in the back.  He actually has a knife in his hand; he folds it up when Oswald comes to talk to him and tells him he is his best friend and doesn’t want to lose him.  Nigma hugs Oswald and tells him that he is his best friend too, and he wants him to remember that.  He goes to the bar where he finds Tabitha and Butch and Barbara; he tells them that he wants to destroy Penguin.  Barbara tells Nigma she wants to be in charge after he takes Penguin out; she tells him they could make quite a team.  He apologizes to Tabitha about her hand, which is now reattached but in bandages.  Jim goes to see Lee at the church and tells her she can’t marry Mario; he tells her that he loves her, and never has stopped.  He begs her, please, not to marry him.  She tells him that her and Mario are leaving Gotham after the wedding and he will never see her again; she is angry that he waited until now to tell her.  She slaps him and tells him to get out.  As Jim is escorted out, the wedding begins; he backhands the two men walking him out, and gets the crap beat out of him by them.  

Mario and Lee are pronounced husband and wife; the men drive Jim somewhere and toss him out on the street.  He goes to see Falcone and says he needs to know where Lee and his son are; he tells his dad, if he has the virus, he could kill Lee and if he does that will be a line-crossing he can’t come back from.  Falcone tells him where they are.  Lee and her new husband stand on the dock at his father’s “refuge” that few people know about; they discuss Jim.  He asks her if there is any part of her, no matter how small, that still loves Jim; she says a small part of her will always care about Jim, but she married him – she loves him.  He says that’s all he needed to know.  The words “she loves him” echo in Mario’s head; he approaches Lee with a knife.  Jim walks in just as he is about to stab Lee, and shoots him.  The knife bounces out of his hand and down the rocks, into the water; Lee doesn’t ever see it.  She turns to see her husband shot dead.

Season 3, Episode 10, “Time Bomb” (11-21-2016)

Lee and her fiancé have dinner with his dad.  He tells her he is sorry to hear about the Captain; she tells them that everything he did was due to the virus, and explains about it.  They finish dinner and leave; the valet goes to get Falcone's car.  It explodes.  Gordon comes to investigate along with most of the GCPD; Falcone tells James they need to talk – he tells him he has his share of enemies.  Why now, James asks… he says his son is getting married, what better time to settle an old score.  Gordon tells him he doesn’t need him and his men tearing up Gotham, looking for revenge.  Falcone says he will allow Jim one day to find whoever is responsible for this. 

Penguin holds a meeting, Barbara walks in asking if her invitation got lost; he says no, she points a gun at him and asks if he knows where Tabitha and Butch are.  Penguin denies knowing anything; Barb says they are an item now (barf, she adds)… says she’s supposed to check in every night and she hasn’t.  She assumes he took them; he tells her to apologize and beg his forgiveness and he might let her leave alive.  She puts the gun away and apologizes.  He tells her, regardless of their history, if she ever points a gun at him again, his giant of a maid, Olga, will be cleaning her brains off the floor.  He orders everyone out.  Penguin calls to tell Nigma that Barbara King was there looking for them; he asks if Nigma is “finished” yet – Ed tells him he needs time to work through his grief.  He turns around to tell Butch and Tabitha, who are tied to chairs in the shop he is in, puts a ball gag in Tabitha and Butch’s mouth but then takes Butch’s out; Butch tells him to give Penguin a message for him.  Ed tells him this has nothing to do with Penguin; it’s about Isabella.  Butch says he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.  Nigma gently electrocutes him. 

Jim and Harvey show up at another crime scene, too late; the body is still warm.  Looking through some papers, notes of some sort, Jim says, “Carmine is not the target.”  They run out; they head to the wedding rehearsal… Jim grabs the groom and tells him he is the target, not his father.  A car drives by; bullets fly.  Salina and Bruce sit down to lunch; Salina is rather rude to Alfred.  She says she wants to leave and he says she shouldn’t; she asks Bruce to “tell the help” that she can come and go as she pleases, but he says he agrees with Alfred.  They sort of get in a fight and when she says nothing has changed, he says she has made that abundantly clear.  He says he is determined to find out what that key goes to; Salina says he should consider that it might just be an old key.  He says no.  Ivy tricks Alfred into smelling her perfume and asks him how you turn off the alarm; while cleaning the key, Bruce asks Salina why she told Ivy they weren’t a couple… she asks why he told her they were.  She says she just wants to be “them” and not make a big deal of it; he concedes.  They notice Ivy is missing; Bruce asks Alfred how she turned off the alarm – he has no explanation.  A man calls and says he has Ivy; he wants a ransom.  Alfred asks where and when; they go to a manhole, as directed.  Bruce tells Salina he knows there is no sense in asking her to stay there; she says no and heads down the manhole.  Bruce follows; they find Ivy and the men holding her.  Bruce demands to talk to the man they work for.  They tell the men they didn’t bring the key with them; Bruce says he needs to speak to the woman in the mask, to know his friends will be safe.  The man tells Bruce he is not his enemy… he says a group that calls themselves “the Court of Owls” is the enemy.

Jim talks to Mario and tells him he needs to stay at the station until they catch this guy; he says he isn’t going to let him ruin the wedding.  He goes to talk to his father; the father swears that his son wouldn’t be mixed up in anything.  Jim gets a call; Mario has left the station, saying he was going to “take care of it” himself.  Barbara comes by while Penguin is out and tells the man she wants to talk to her; she flashes her ring to tempt her… she takes it.  She says Mr. Penguin treats her nice; she likes him, but the other one, not so much.  She mentions how much Mr. Penguin likes Nigma and Barbara seems surprised, laughs and says they’ll revisit that later.  She asks about Nigma and if he said anything about her missing friend; she said he mentioned a “special delivery” and gives her a receipt from ‘Stocks and Bondage.’  Butch still swears he has never even heard of this woman, Isabella; Nigma gives up on electrocuting him.  He turns his threats toward Tabitha.  Butch insults him and he shocks him one last time, no-so-gently; Butch passes out.  Tabitha asks what he wants; he takes out her gag and tells her he wants an eye for an eye… but in this case, he’ll take a hand, he says. 

Barbara goes to a sadomasicist shop and tortures a guy until he gives her the number to the safe; she finds a paper and calls Nigma a sick bastard.  She walks out, leaving the man trapped head and hands.  Nigma explains the next part of his plan, and gives Tabatha a choice - a blade that will fall on Butch, or fatal jolt of electricity.  Bruce asks this man who they are; he says they call themselves “The Whisper Gang,” Gotham’s most notorious smugglers.  Business has changed, he says; he knows what the key goes to – a safe; he shows Bruce a map and the location of the safe.  He says he doesn’t know what is in the safe, but it’s obviously important because there are people who don’t want them to find it.  Bruce shows the man the key he found; he says these people killed his parents… he backed off because he thought there was no way to beat them.  That may no longer be the case, if what this man says is true. 

James finds Mario, in a jewelry store; he tells him they have to get out of there, then sees a bike through the window.  It’s too late; gunshots, masked men and jewelry displays getting knocked over.  Mario sticks a ring in one man’s eye, and asks why they are coming after him.  As he chokes him, the man sputters out, “you know why.”  Jim calls Lee and tells Mario she deserves to know what’s going on; he says either he tells him, or he will.  He gives Tabitha the trigger for the shock, and puts her hand in a tiny guillotine; if she leaves it there and sacrifices her hand, Nigma says he will set them both free.  Butch pleads with her, and tells her he loves her; she tells him she isn’t in the same place, but she drops the trigger and leaves her hand there.  She passes out after looking at the blood spurting out of her amputated limb.  Butch begs Nigma to untie him so he can take her to a hospital now.   He and Barbara take her, and her hand, to the hospital; Barbara figures out who killed the librarian… she tells Butch, if she is right, they can have way more than vengeance, then says they need to start a war. 

Harvey congratulates Jim and says it’s not everyday you get to save the man who’s going to marry the woman you love; then he tells him that he should tell Lee how he feels.  They look out the window to see Falcone pulling a tooth out of the suspect’s mouth – a gold tooth; Jim threatens to arrest him, and he tells him the man won’t be filing charges.  He walks out.  On a rooftop, a masked man asks the leader of the Whisper Gang if he has found the second key; he doesn’t answer.  The man stabs him.  Falcone talks to an obviously rich woman in a limousine; he says he knows she set up the murder and made it look like a mob hit.  She tells him he won’t win; he says if his son dies, winning won’t be the point.  She tells him his son is safe, at least from them, for now; she will call on him when she needs him – she tells him to enjoy his dinner, and he exists the car.  Lee says she was on her way to the rehearsal dinner and then heard herself telling the cab driver his address; she says her fiancé is a good man… and then asks Jim what he has to tell her.  He says he wants happiness for her, more than anything; she says it sounds like goodbye – adding they haven’t done it properly yet – and she kisses him, and says, “Goodbye, James Gordon.” 

Mario, walking down the street, is harassed by some punks; he grabs one by the neck and lifts him up in the air, screaming, “she loves me, and I won’t let her go… she loves me!”  His eyes are turning red and bulging; he must also be infected with the virus.

Season 3, Episode 9, “The Executioner” (11-14-2016)

The Captain serves justice to three men, by hanging them from the rafters of a warehouse after kicking the chairs out from under them.  Later, he questions one Gordon, who he heard had talked to one of the men – he’s wondering if he said anything about the killer.  The James says no; the Captain isn’t sure he believes him.  He wants him to go out on a call with him; on the way, they discuss a man who was beaten in the bathroom at a bar.  The Captain was there; he insists Gordon interview him while they are driving.  He then discusses Galivan (the man James Gordon shot way back when) and the fact that good men do what is necessary.  Ivy goes to an older gentleman’s mansion, where she asks him to show her his safe (hypnotizing him with some perfume) and bashes him over the head.  He almost grabs her before she escapes from the house; he vows to find her.  She goes to Salina’s and this time tells her that its her; she then eats all of Salina’s food.  Salina calls Bruce; he asks Ivy what she’s doing, but she is rude to him.  She tells Salina that guys just give you stuff when you “look like this.”  She tells her about the guy she was with last night, she stole a necklace, and says he might come after her.  They hear something; Salina looks out the door and sees a man with a rifle; there are actually two of them.  Ivy, Bruce and Salina go out the other door.  On the rooftop, Bruce buys the necklace from Ivy for $5,000 so that they can return it to the man.  When they get to the man’s house, he is dead on the floor, with an arrow through his eye.  Salina gets mad and throws the necklace; it breaks open, revealing a key.  They decide to go to Bruce’s house for now; Ivy is impressed with his place.  He offers food; Ivy says she could eat.  She calls Bruce Salina’s boyfriend and, for some reason, Salina still denies that he is her boyfriend.  Penguin asks why Nigma keeps checking his watch; he says he’s waiting for a call from Isabella.  He gets a call, but not from her; it’s the GCPD and they want to talk to him.  He is nervous about why.  When he gets there, they show him Isabella’s body, half burned – they think she fell asleep at the wheel.  Oswald tells him he will always be there for him; Nigma hugs him, but falls into a depression.  He is laying on the couch and doesn’t want to move; Oswald tells him he needs to do something to move past this – Nigma decides to go to the place where she was taken from him.  He lays flowers on the road at the train crossing and tells Isabella goodbye; he notes that they are four blocks from her apartment.  He talks to a blind man; he tells him the girl was screaming “help, help” bloodcurdling, he says, before the crash.  Nigma goes to the shop where Isabella’s car was taken; he checks it and finds cut lines to the brakes.  He goes home and tells Penguin – he says he knows who did it – Butch.  He figures it’s retaliation for exposing him.  Penguin vows to find him and make him pay for what he’s done.  Gordon and the Captain question a man at gunpoint; he denies doing anything.  The captain shoots him anyway and then turns his rifle on Gordon.  James asks him when he became “this” – the Captain says this is who he has always been, but things have never been so clear in his life.  James figures out that he is infected with the virus.  The Captain threatens to frame him for this man’s murder; but it depends, he says, on whether or not Gordon will join him (he tells him he knows he shot Galivan).  Gordon tells him he will not join him; he stands against him, he says.  A couple random guys walk into the warehouse and distract Captain… James jumps out the window and runs off.  Harvey comes into the police station to see the mad house; he gets told that Jim has killed someone – he doesn’t believe it.  James calls him, and tells him the Captain has lost his mind and is trying to kill him; he tells him he is infected with the Tetch virus.  Harvey goes to ask Lee for help; he says right now, they are all Jim has.  She fakes a blood test to convince the PD that the Captain has the virus.  Still running, Jim ducks into another warehouse, but the Captain heads him off and now has him at gun point again.  Jim tells him he needs help, and says it doesn’t have to be this way; the Captain asks if those are going to be his last words.  He says, no, “Go to Hell.”  When Harvey and the rest of the GCPD arrive, the Captain looks out the window and James jumps him; they fight, James gets the gun and points it at him.  The Captain tries to convince Gordon that he is the same as he is; he pulls out another gun and fires.  Gordon shoots him first.  Back at the station, Gordon thanks Lee for what she did; she says it was nothing.  Harvey asks Jim if he thinks Barnes will be alright; he says it doesn’t know.  He apologizes for doubting him; Jim says he didn’t…not when it mattered.  The captain is now in a straight jacket, repeatedly yelling, “guilty, guilty, guilty!”

Season 3, Episode 8; “Blood Rush” (11-7-2016)

The Captain happens into a warehouse where he finds a man, cutting up a body in a tub and dropping body parts into a vat of acid; he tells him he just wants to punish him.  The man begs to be arrested, but the Captain says they are past that.  Jim and Bullock get a call to the warehouse, where they find a man’s body hanging, head on the floor…and the partial man still in the tub.  Captain Barnes goes to see Tetch; he asks him how to beat the virus… he tells him he needs to know how it has affected him – anger and violent rage, he sees.  Tetch asks if he has heard the voices yet; tells him that he will, and then he won’t be himself (only Alice).  Lee and Falcone talk about their upcoming engagement party, for which he father has planned a big affair.  Then she tells him Jim Gordon is returning to the GCPD; he isn’t happy about it, but says he trusts her.  She leaves for work.  Jim comes in, asking about the man they found in the tub; she said he had his face removed (which Jim wonders about because the acid would have removed it anyway).  “What must be broken before it can be used?”  Edward has made eggs for breakfast; his girlfriend is going to a librarian’s conference… she puts on a pair of glasses that look just like the one’s Ms. Kringle used to wear.  He freaks out and runs to another room where he sees Kristin in the mirror; she taunts him about killing her, and asks how long until he kills this girlfriend.  The Captain goes to a bar, looking for “the Toad” and receives a cold welcome; he beats a couple of guys up and demands information about ‘Polly Pennys’ (the man who was disposing of the body last night); the man gives up another name… the doctor who does the face transplants.  Captain Barnes finds him, and arrests him.  Penguin goes to see Isabellla, and delivers Ed’s message; “it’s over,” he tells her – and kind of feels bad as he notices all that they have in common.  He tries to let her down gently, but she says she is not going to let this go; love is rare, she says, and she realizes that Oswald loves him too.  Penguin insists that she let Ed go; she refuses, saying she will write to him or whatever it takes to stay in his life.  Oswald tells Edward; Ed goes to see her.  When he gets there, Isabella is dressed exactly like Kristin; she says he needs to face his fear, forces him to look at her and puts his hand on her throat.  They kiss passionately.  Dr. Thompkins report notes that it would have taken extreme strength to remove Pennys’ head from his torso; Barnes brings in the ‘doctor’ in handcuffs.  Jim congratulates him; he says it wasn’t easy.  The doctor has a lawyer and gets released almost immediately; Captain Barnes finds him again, and says he should have done this the first time, as he slams his head down on a marble table top, then lifts him up against the wall by the throat – he says, he is judge, jury and executioner – he slams him against the wall a few times, and eventually through it, where he falls to the street.  As the Captain, back at the party, stares at the people in the crowd, their faces distort and become bloody and gross.

Season 3, Episode 7; “Red Queen” (10-31-2016)

The Hatter removes his sister’s body from the morgue and drains every last drop of her blood into a bottle, planning on revenge against all of Gotham.  He then goes to some magic shop and purchases a red powder, which is said to drive people crazy, saying he is going to get his revenge on all of Gothem.  He prepares for a dinner party, having invited many distinguished guests, and puts a drop of blood into each wine glass; Jervis Tetch addresses the ‘heads of Gotham’ and says it’s time for heads to roll… he offers a toast and insists everyone drinks their wine.  The Captain and his men storm in the room and tell everyone to put their glasses down; he tackles Jervis to the ground.  Vale wakes up and tells Jim that she knows he truly loves Lee, since she is the one he told Tetch to shoot (figuring Jim knew he would shoot the other); she tells him they are done, with a tear running down her cheek.  Jim won’t be brushed off quite so easily; he comes back to the hospital to visit her, and sees Tetch, who catches Jim coming around a corner and blows some of the Red Queen powder in his face.  Jim goes on a strange trip, down in an elevator with his ex-wife, where she tells him he has to “ride out the trip,” they stop on a floor where he sees Bruce, wearing a mask, but then Bruce disappears; a blast, and he is in a war trench with Penguin, who is speaking jibberish, then tells him never to leave his unit behind… he runs off to find Bruce, who shows him the police department full of dead bodies; then Bruce, with the mask down, shoots Jim, then pulls beads out of his stomach and pushes him off the ledge.  He wakes up, being resuscitated by his ex….in the elevator again.  She takes him to another floor and pushes him off, he enters a house, where a little girl and boy greet him as ‘daddy’ and Lee comes out of the kitchen, his wife; they sit down to dinner, the light starts swinging and the light fades, the kids disappear, then Lee; he is back I in the elevator again with Barbara.  She gives him a key and tells him to use it, or don’t, it’s up to him.  He steps outside to see a man looking for a car key; it’s his father… he tells him to get in or their going to be late.  He hears something and looks up, through the walls of the building, to where he is laying on the floor; a doctor and nurse come in and find him.  He gets in the car with his dad, who apologizes for not being around more; he tells his dad he admires him, and wanted to be like him – but he’s the opposite, he says.  He’s not a hero.  His dad tells him the Gordons have a code they have to live by and asks if he remembers what it is; then a car sideswipes them – headlights turn into hospital room lights.  Jim wakes up, saved by Lee’s fiancé, Falcone.  Bruce has a date with Salina; they are both a little apprehensive and slightly stand-off-ish.  He made her a cake; they cut it.  Penguin is not happy when Ed tells him he has met someone, and thinks he’s in love.  After all, Oswald was just about ready to confess his feelings for Ed.  Edward’s new girlfriend is head over heels in love with him; even though Oswald did his best to dissuade her from any interest, by telling her Ed killed his last girlfriend.  He comes home from the dinner party to find them kissing, surprised to see her there – he begins to tell Ed about the party disruption, but excuses himself promptly.  In another location, two elders (one woman, named Catherine, and a man, wearing a ring identical to Jim’s father’s ring) discuss the dinner; he says she left just in time, she says indeed.  He asks about the new mayor and says they will keep an eye on him – judgment is coming, he says, from all of them.  Jim tells the Captain that he wants to rejoin the GCPD, saying he made a promise to someone when he was younger and intends to keep that promise.  The Captain welcomes him back.

Season 3, Episode 6; “Follow the White Rabbit” (10-24-2016)

A bride and groom come out of a large church; the bride’s father looks like someone important.  They get in the limousine and the driver tells them they are going to miss their reception; they have been locked in the car.  He tells them their fate depends entirely on James Gordon; he has a child in the front seat with him (?).  Penguin decides that he is in love with Ed and needs to confess his feelings; because, what good is love if it is one-sided?  Life only gives you one true love, find it and run to it, his mother used to tell him.  He tells his non-English-speaking maid that he is enrolling her in classes to learn the language.  He goes to see Edward, who has his itinerary for the day all ready; he thanks him.  Nigma apologizes for not being able to do something, thereby letting him down; Oswald tells him he has done nothing of the sort, adding that he would be lost without him.  He falls short of telling him that he loves him, though.  A mysterious ‘white’ man delivers a message to Jim… he goes out and stands by a pay phone; it rings and the Hatter speaks, telling him that he is going to force him to confront who he really is.  The couple gets out of the limo, get up on the edge and gets ready to jump; the Hatter tells him there is also a little boy about to get hit by a truck – he has the choice to save one of them.  He runs for the boy (what could he have done for the couple?).  Another phone rings; he answers… Jervis says he’s glad he has James’ attention.  He gives him an address and tells him to be there in five minutes, no police, or more people die.  In the room, as directed, James answers another phone call; he decides to hang up on him a couple of times – then the Hatter mentions that he has his reporter girlfriend.  James goes running, but they drive away in a van.  Tetch calls him to another warehouse; he has two men sitting in chairs, wired to electric wires; he wants James to shoot one of them and says the other will go free.  James refuses, and  electrocutes the both of them.  Harvey and some other officers come in, but they are too late.  Jim gets a feeling and calls Lee’s phone;  answers, so now that means he has both Lee and the reporter (Vale?) and is going to make him choose between them next.  Lee’s fiancé has not seen her all day.  The reporter asks Lee why they brought them back to her place; she says she doesn’t know… another question and Lee gets offensive, saying she is not going to be interviewed right now.  James gets another message from the white man, who is apparently under hypnosis; it tells him to walk through Lee’s door.  Lee’s fiancé comes into the station as James is on his way out; he tells him to come with him.  James goes in and sees them all at the table; the Hatter tells him to have a seat.  He pours them tea, then starts to tell a story (about a brother and sister).  Meanwhile, Falcone sneaks in the back door and goes up to a bedroom; looking through a drawer, he finds a gun.  The Hatter makes it clear that he knows all about these two women and their relationships to James; then he asks him to choose.  James tells him to drop his gun, just as Falcone lifts his behind the Hatter.  The Hatter says he emptied that cartridge, it clicks, no shot.  Hatter’s men grab him and take him away.  James begins to taunt the Hatter, telling him that his sister didn’t love him; she was afraid of him and what he used to do to her, deliberately trying to piss him off so that he’ll shoot him instead; he says he won’t choose.  The Hatter gives him to the count of three, and starts counting.  Jim says to shoot Lee; Hatter shoots Valerie. He leaves; they call an ambulance.  Oswald practices his speech across the table from an empty chair, while Edward picks out a bottle of wine.  He meets a lady in the wine shop who catches his eye; she looks like Ms. Kringle, but with blonde hair.  She asks him a riddle about time; he is impressed.  James and Lee sit in the hospital waiting room for news on Vale.

Season 3, Episode 5; “Anything for You” (10-17-2016)

Penguin makes appearances all over town, cutting ribbons, serving in the homeless shelter, etc… He talks to a statue of his mother, asking if she is proud of him; Nigma tells him she would be proud - people love him, gangs fear him, and tomorrow night the crème of Gotham will be celebrating him.  He asks, “what more do you want.”  Oswald answers, “someone to share it with.”  In the middle of a public speech, with his mother-statue standing by his side, a gang of men (wearing red hoods) pulls up in a van and shoots the head off of the statue.  As the commissioner and Harvey set out to investigate this latest crime, Nigma walks in and announces himself, saying Mayor Cobblepot has sent him to be liaison in this investigation.  The Captain is not happy about this.  With the severed statue-head laying on a table, Penguin holds a conference with his people.  He orders that these people be found and their leader’s head brought to him on a spike by tonight.  Butch walks into a warehouse where the group of men is playing cards; he tells them there is a problem.  Apparently he has been giving all the orders for the crimes against Penguin.  As he gets ready to give another order, Barbara walks in with her playmate (who grabs him with her whip).  He begs them to help him get his place beside Penguin back.  Lee talks to James about her upcoming marriage; she is surprised to know that James knows her fiance’s family name is Falcone and that he isn’t a little more upset about it.  When he goes to enter her office, Nigma is standing there; she punches him (for Kristin) and leaves.  Bruce comes to see James; he wants to hire him to investigate Ivy’s disappearance… he says it’s a favor for Salina.  James asks how long they have been a thing and Bruce insists that they are just friends (James doesn’t buy it).  Harvey gets a lead; a man gave him a dress that looks like Ivy’s.  He said the girl that knocked him over the head and left it, though, was in her twenties.  They decide to go have a cup of coffee together; and have a lighthearted discussion about Bruce’s feelings for Salina and his pending appearance at the new Mayor’s party.  James tells Bruce to give the Mayor his best.  Penguin gets a lead on the whereabouts of the ‘red hood gang’ and sets out to confront them; Butch sees him coming and tries to get the men to disburse… but they tell him they aren’t going anywhere without payment.  So he grabs an automatic rifle and shoots them all.  When Penguin comes in, he tells him he did it for him; he is back in Penguin’s good graces.  Nigma is not impressed.  While investigating the warehouse, Nigma notices the way the bodies all fell, as if they were just lined up to be shot – he asks Harvey why the men wouldn’t have been alarmed by Butch’s entry into the room; only one man pulled a gun and he questions this.  Harvey blows it off, saying they should be happy the gang is gone; Nigma finds a possible clue.  The Captain comes in to ask about Alice Tetch’s blood; Dr. Thompson said she just got the results – in a test on lab rats with this same disease, they showed increased strength and stamina – until one of the rats ate all the others, chewing through the wire cages to get to them.  She asks him if he is going to the Mayor’s part tonight; he says he lost his invitation.  Penguin greets Bruce and Alfred, at the party; they congratulate him.  Penguin says sometimes life just works out.  Bruce thinks he sees a ‘sign’ and excuses himself.  Salina sees Ivy, but does not recognize her; Ivy laughs and says she never noticed she was so short – Salina doesn’t catch on.  She says she is having fun and tells her to run along.  Nigma figures out that Butch orchestrated the entire ‘red hood’ fiasco; Butch tries to deny it.  Nigma makes him an offer; he asks him if he wants to rule Gotham together with him (telling him he needs to kill Penguin) – Butch says no.  Nigma takes him into the kitchen where some men are holding Tabitha at gun point; Nigma asks if he’s up for it now.  When Penguin steps out on stage to speak, Butch steps out with a red hood on and shoots; the gun has blanks (Nigma runs out to see if Oswald is okay).  One of Nigma’s men then shoots Butch from behind (at least it looks like it); Butch falls to his knees.  Nigma pulls his hood off; Penguin says he will kill him for this.  Tabitha grabs a knife from the kitchen and escapes her captors; Oswald says he will prosecute anyone who threatens Gotham.  The man who shot Butch is dragged up to the stage; Tabitha puts a knife in his back (literally).  Butch grabs Nigma by the neck and begins choking him; Oswald grabs a vase and smashes it over Butch’s head.  He grabs Edward, crying out; Nigma breathes… Oswald is relieved.  Bruce takes Salina up to the roof to tell her that his investigator found a red-head girl with Ivy’s sweater, but it wasn’t Ivy.  Salina can’t believe that is all he brought her up there for… she starts to walk off.  He tells her that’s not all.  He tells her his being dedicated to one thing is done; she tells him to just say whatever it is he wants to say, and he says, “I like you, as more than a friend.”  She stares at him; he says it would be nice if she would say something back.  She asks how many girls he has dated; he says none.  She asks if he only likes her because she’s the only girl he’s ever known; he says there is something between them, he knows it… he says she has to see that.  She says rule 1 is not to ever tell her what she has to do; she kisses him, leaving him confused.  Penguin takes Edward home to care for him; Nigma has a huge bruise on his neck.  Penguin asks why he would take such a change; he was almost killed.  Nigma thanks Penguin for saving him; he says he would do anything for Penguin, adding, “you can always count on me.”  They hug; Penguin is very touched (and almost too happy).  The journalist James is seeing is having dinner with her ‘source’ when James comes and sits down; he tells the guy to leave.  She tells him she could have gotten what she wanted without compromising her pride; he says he will tell her what she needs to know.  The Captain looks at pictures of the Mad Hatter, gets news that an ambulance was just hijacked, and stands up without his cane.  When he realizes it, his veins become full again, enlarged and pulsing; he roars.  The Hatter has some girl tied to a chair, dressed up like his sister; she has no idea what is going on.  He stabs her in the throat and she falls to the table in front of her.  He writes a note and leaves it next to her.  It says, “James Gordon.”

Season 3, Episode 4; A New Day Rising (10-10-2016)

“Vote for Oswald Cobblepot for Mayor… and ‘Make Gotham safe again’!”  (I found this funny, given that our election was going on at this time – and it reminded me of Trump’s slogan.)  This announcement rings out over the loud speakers as Jim strolls down the street… Jim hears the hypnotist’s watch and his voice telling him he should kill himself; he steps out in front of an oncoming semitruck.  A pulls him out of the way just in time.  Oswald gives his speech, thanking his mother for encouraging him that he could do anything. Nigma collects a payment from a member of the election board; cash.  Someone follows the man. Oswald claims name-calling and fear mongering by his opposition, Lol – sounds familiar doesn’t it? Butch tells Jim the city is going to hell in a hand-basket!  That’s funny.  My mom said something similar about the United States earlier this summer (*before she declared me dead again).  Jim meets Barbara in the bar, he tells her he needs a favor; she teases him about being hypnotized – asks if he’s barking like a dog.  He tells her the hynotist is dangerous… She tells him he came in earlier to hire “some muscle” for a performance he’s planning…w flair.  Jim tells the Captain that he needs to speak to Alison Tetch; he says it can’t wait.  Tells him he had a run in with her brother last night and now he’s “having thoughts.”  He tells him whatever issues he has to work out, he’s got to deal with them; he gives him five minutes with Alison in the interrogation room.  He tells her about his encounter with her brother; asking for something he can do to fight this until he finds him… she questions his motive – he hopes they can help each other.  She determines his watch ticking was what he used, and anything that ticks will trigger the hypnotic state.  She tells Jim about a story from their youth, when her brother hypnotized her (into thinking she wanted to be with him sexually I’m guessing), they were thoughts a brother should never have.  Jervis Tetch goes to find Deaver and Dumphry – the Terrible Tweeds…a wresting team (I guess).  He tells them he needs to break his sister out of jail at the GCPD.  He pulls out his stopwatch.  The wrestlers go to the GCPD and start jumping off the loft and tackling the officers; Jervis strolls in.  Jim is not fair behind him, telling him to put his hands in the air.  Jervis turns around with the stopwatch handing in his right hand. Jim yells back for Alice to go; she tries to run, but gets taken by the wrestlers.  Jim turns the gun on himself; Captain knocks him on the head with his cane.  Salina is now tied to a chair; the boss is talking to her, threatening to have his man cut one of her fingers off.  Bruce’s double comes in the door and beats the crap out of the two men; he unties her and she takes off running, telling him “let’s go.”  She checks his wound and sees several other scares, realizing he is not Bruce… she asks “who are you?”  A young girl comes up to thank “Mr. Penguin” for “getting rid of all of the monsters”; he smiles and says he feels wanted… the girl holds out her hand and “says nice doing business with you.”Butch hands her some cash.  Nigma asks how he feels now.  Like he’s been betrayed, he replied, of course.  Misjudged him as a friend.  Nigma replies “I am your friend,” continuing with a riddle: “I can’t be bought, but I can be stolen with a glance; I’m worthless to one but priceless to two… what am I?” (Sounds like love to me.)  Penguin gets angry, refuses to answer the riddle, says he doesn’t care or need a stupid riddle right now; he wants to be mayor and tells him to stay out of his way, adding, “I’m warning you.”  Salina tries to doctor Bruce2’s wounds; and asks him “who would make a Bruce Wayne look-alike anyhow?” he replies he doesn’t know.  Didn’t even know they looked alike until two days ago.  Tells her how they met, that he asked Bruce if he had any answers; he didn’t.  Then he tells her he was watching from the hall the other night when they were talking; he noticed the ‘way’ she was looking at Bruce.  He admits that he cut his hair and tried to make her think he was Bruce today (when he rescued her) because he wanted to see what that felt like, to have someone look at you that way.  She denies looking at Bruce in any such ‘way.’  She tells him she has two friends; one is now barbequed and the other is at the bottom of a river; he asks what about Bruce, and she says “forget about him” – then she tells this boy that he needs to stop worrying so much about what others think of him; he is more normal than he thinks.  He leans over and gently kisses her.  Jim is lying on a cot in the hospital.  Dr. Thompkins… (Lee, M.E. and James’ old girlfriend) is there with him and tells him that he was attacked.  He asks to be uncuffed, but she says she can’t.  Then she goes on to talk about his disappearance from her life, how she tried to put herself back together, and how she met Dario.  She asks what he’s has to say, and he says the past is the past; he can’t change that.  She doesn’t want anger and regret to be all that’s left of them; tells him he is being put on a 24 hour suicide watch.  She leaves with the remark that we can’t change the past, and that there is a difference between moving on and “letting go.”  Butch gives a speech to his guys; says he knows Gotham like the back of his hand – holding up his prosthetic hand.  Everyone laughs; they toast and drink.  He gets an urgent call after being told that Nigma got away from the man he had following him.  Detective interrogates one of the wrestlers, brings up old family history he knows about because his father was a fan…Then he starts lighting the wrestler’s mask on faire, asking what it is he wants to know where Jervice has taken his sister.  The wrestler caves, saying, “Okay, okay, I’ll tell you.”  Jervice tells his sister that he forgives her for everything, but she needs to understand the consequences if she ever leaves him again; he tells her she needs to understand how important she is to him.  He injects her with something from a huge-ass syringe.  She screams.  Jim arrives in a paddy wagon; Dectective tells him Lainy told him here to find him.  He shows up just in time; pulling his gun on Tetch, along with Detective… tells him if he lets him leave with his sister, he might free him from that nasty little impulse.  Jim repeats his command to let her go.  Tetch directs his attention to a metronome, clicking back and forth and something is triggered in Jim’s brain (he sees all kinds of interesting things from his past)… he screams “No!”  He shoots the metronome and gunfire breaks out; as  Tetch tries to pull his sister to flee with him, she refuses and struggles to get free.  She falls from a balcony onto a metal post below; he cries out but his men drag him away.  Bruce finds his double on the roof, demanding to know where Salina is – his double says he doesn’t know.  He asks if he’s angry because he was pretending to be him, or if he spent the day with Salina.  Bruce responds angrily when 2 tells him he has no idea what he actually wants; Bruce replies with “at least I know who I am.”  He says he doesn’t know why he was created, but he knows he doesn’t belong in Gotham; he jumps off the roof, telling Bruce to thank Salina for the kiss.  He lands on a car roof and jumps down the ground.  Bruce and Alfred watch in amazement.  Alison asks what he is going to use her blood for; he says to create a few dozen monsters by mixing it into a public drinking fountain.  She protests, saying she’ll do whatever he wants.  He says “you will now”; he tells her their connection keeps him sane – it always has….then he laughs.  Captain asks Deputy to explain himself; he says he was following a lead.  He tells him Jim Gordon is going to get him killed one day – and he replies, “maybe, but until that day I will never turn my back on him.”  Butch comes in angry, grabs Nigma and holds him up against the wall… he says Nigma went around collecting all their bribe money back from the city officials.  He afraid that may cost Penguin the election; Penguin can’t believe Nigma betrayed him.  He asks Nigma why he shouldn’t kill him… aside from all the witnesses, Nigma tells him to look at the television; Oswald Cobblepot won the election.  Penguin finally figures out Nigma’s riddle – yes, LOVE is the answer.  Penguin announces Mr. Edward Nigma as his Chief of Staff; Butch looks a little pissed off.  Penguin realizes the people love him; Nigma says if he would have bought the election, he would have never known that.  Nigma tells him he believes in him – even when he doesn’t believe in himself, and that’s why he did it.  He makes Nigma his #1 and demotes Butch; Butch really doesn’t like Nigma.  Alfred and Bruce sit down to dinner and discuss whether they will ever see his look-alike again; Bruce doesn’t like the fact that Dr. Strange made him.  Alfred points out that there could be various reasons.  Bruce asks if Alfred thinks Salina really kissed him; and if she thought it was him, wondering if she will kiss him someday.  Lainy asks Jim if he is okay; she is back in town and wants to be amicable, at least, with him.  He tells her he is happy for her, and her new life – he asks if that’s a place to start.  She says yes; he smiles.  Across town, a big black car pulls up with an older lady in it, saying they have been looking for 2 for a long time, telling him he should think of them as his new parents.  He gets in the car.  The Captain is strolling through the fair grounds, when he notices a drop of blood on the ground; he walks over to it and looks up to see where it’s coming from.  A drop rolls out of a pipe and lands right in his right eye.  His veins enlarge for a moment all over his face; then return to normal.  He looks horrified, and says “no.”

Season 3, Episodes 1-3

Seasons 1 and 2 introduced us to Bruce and the murder of his parents, to his friends, Salina and Ivy, and to Alfred (the faithful butler).  As Season 3 begins, we find the two storylines beginning to converge; who is really behind Thomas and Martha Wayne’s murder, and what’s really going on at Indian Hill (the supposed psychiatric hospital).  Dr. Hugo Strange has kidnapped Bruce and is experimenting on all kinds of people, turning them into creatures of one sort or another; he reanimates Fish Mooney.  She rebels against him; he animates more villains, and they cause all kinds of ruckus in Gothom.  Bruce decides ‘step up to the plate’ and takes steps to end this once and for all.  In Episode 2, “Better to Reign in Hell,” Fish manipulates Salina into  breaking into a laboratory with her; a security guard comes in, gun pointed.  Fish offers her hands, but the second he touches them he is hypnotized; she tells him to drop the gun and knock himself out… he bangs his head against the wall.  Fish gets weak after performing this trick; she learns it is something she cannot do very often or it will kill her.  Jim Gordon encounters a monster of a man (he has dinosaur scales down his back and is very strong) in a pharmacy; Jim hurts himself trying to punch him.  They fight on the sidewalk and the monster ends up in the street; he gets run over by a truck.  Penguin goes to visit Nigma in jail and brings him a puzzle; Nigma loves it, but solves it right away, as Penguin tells him how impossible it is to do.  Edward says it was a lovely thought and asks him why he is being so kind; Oswald says he wouldn’t have gotten by without talking to him these past few months.  He talks about Fish Mooney, wondering why she didn’t kill him when she had the chance; he says he needs to know what she is doing.  Nigma starts tearing and folding a paper; he tells Penguin details can be distracting.  Sometimes simple is best; he says no matter what she is planning, Oswald needs to remember that penguins EAT fish.  Penguin ends up getting Nigma out of jail to ‘repay him for his kindness.’  In Episode 3, “Burn the Witch,” we find Bruce confronting an old, rich lady; he asks who she is and she tells him he already knows the answer to that question.  She takes off her mask, but we don’t see her.  A hypnotist comes into town, we eventually find out this is the man who calls himself The Mad Hatter; his name is Jervis Tetch.  He hypnotizes a man in the audience, asks him if he wants to do something impossible, telling him to step up onto a chair – the back of the chair – because he has convinced him that he is weightless.  The man does it, and balances the chair as it tips.  The Mad Hatter’s sister is introduced; she has a blood disorder that affects people (bringing out their true nature) if it touches them.