Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Season 3, Episode 5; “Anything for You” (10-17-2016)

Penguin makes appearances all over town, cutting ribbons, serving in the homeless shelter, etc… He talks to a statue of his mother, asking if she is proud of him; Nigma tells him she would be proud - people love him, gangs fear him, and tomorrow night the crème of Gotham will be celebrating him.  He asks, “what more do you want.”  Oswald answers, “someone to share it with.”  In the middle of a public speech, with his mother-statue standing by his side, a gang of men (wearing red hoods) pulls up in a van and shoots the head off of the statue.  As the commissioner and Harvey set out to investigate this latest crime, Nigma walks in and announces himself, saying Mayor Cobblepot has sent him to be liaison in this investigation.  The Captain is not happy about this.  With the severed statue-head laying on a table, Penguin holds a conference with his people.  He orders that these people be found and their leader’s head brought to him on a spike by tonight.  Butch walks into a warehouse where the group of men is playing cards; he tells them there is a problem.  Apparently he has been giving all the orders for the crimes against Penguin.  As he gets ready to give another order, Barbara walks in with her playmate (who grabs him with her whip).  He begs them to help him get his place beside Penguin back.  Lee talks to James about her upcoming marriage; she is surprised to know that James knows her fiance’s family name is Falcone and that he isn’t a little more upset about it.  When he goes to enter her office, Nigma is standing there; she punches him (for Kristin) and leaves.  Bruce comes to see James; he wants to hire him to investigate Ivy’s disappearance… he says it’s a favor for Salina.  James asks how long they have been a thing and Bruce insists that they are just friends (James doesn’t buy it).  Harvey gets a lead; a man gave him a dress that looks like Ivy’s.  He said the girl that knocked him over the head and left it, though, was in her twenties.  They decide to go have a cup of coffee together; and have a lighthearted discussion about Bruce’s feelings for Salina and his pending appearance at the new Mayor’s party.  James tells Bruce to give the Mayor his best.  Penguin gets a lead on the whereabouts of the ‘red hood gang’ and sets out to confront them; Butch sees him coming and tries to get the men to disburse… but they tell him they aren’t going anywhere without payment.  So he grabs an automatic rifle and shoots them all.  When Penguin comes in, he tells him he did it for him; he is back in Penguin’s good graces.  Nigma is not impressed.  While investigating the warehouse, Nigma notices the way the bodies all fell, as if they were just lined up to be shot – he asks Harvey why the men wouldn’t have been alarmed by Butch’s entry into the room; only one man pulled a gun and he questions this.  Harvey blows it off, saying they should be happy the gang is gone; Nigma finds a possible clue.  The Captain comes in to ask about Alice Tetch’s blood; Dr. Thompson said she just got the results – in a test on lab rats with this same disease, they showed increased strength and stamina – until one of the rats ate all the others, chewing through the wire cages to get to them.  She asks him if he is going to the Mayor’s part tonight; he says he lost his invitation.  Penguin greets Bruce and Alfred, at the party; they congratulate him.  Penguin says sometimes life just works out.  Bruce thinks he sees a ‘sign’ and excuses himself.  Salina sees Ivy, but does not recognize her; Ivy laughs and says she never noticed she was so short – Salina doesn’t catch on.  She says she is having fun and tells her to run along.  Nigma figures out that Butch orchestrated the entire ‘red hood’ fiasco; Butch tries to deny it.  Nigma makes him an offer; he asks him if he wants to rule Gotham together with him (telling him he needs to kill Penguin) – Butch says no.  Nigma takes him into the kitchen where some men are holding Tabitha at gun point; Nigma asks if he’s up for it now.  When Penguin steps out on stage to speak, Butch steps out with a red hood on and shoots; the gun has blanks (Nigma runs out to see if Oswald is okay).  One of Nigma’s men then shoots Butch from behind (at least it looks like it); Butch falls to his knees.  Nigma pulls his hood off; Penguin says he will kill him for this.  Tabitha grabs a knife from the kitchen and escapes her captors; Oswald says he will prosecute anyone who threatens Gotham.  The man who shot Butch is dragged up to the stage; Tabitha puts a knife in his back (literally).  Butch grabs Nigma by the neck and begins choking him; Oswald grabs a vase and smashes it over Butch’s head.  He grabs Edward, crying out; Nigma breathes… Oswald is relieved.  Bruce takes Salina up to the roof to tell her that his investigator found a red-head girl with Ivy’s sweater, but it wasn’t Ivy.  Salina can’t believe that is all he brought her up there for… she starts to walk off.  He tells her that’s not all.  He tells her his being dedicated to one thing is done; she tells him to just say whatever it is he wants to say, and he says, “I like you, as more than a friend.”  She stares at him; he says it would be nice if she would say something back.  She asks how many girls he has dated; he says none.  She asks if he only likes her because she’s the only girl he’s ever known; he says there is something between them, he knows it… he says she has to see that.  She says rule 1 is not to ever tell her what she has to do; she kisses him, leaving him confused.  Penguin takes Edward home to care for him; Nigma has a huge bruise on his neck.  Penguin asks why he would take such a change; he was almost killed.  Nigma thanks Penguin for saving him; he says he would do anything for Penguin, adding, “you can always count on me.”  They hug; Penguin is very touched (and almost too happy).  The journalist James is seeing is having dinner with her ‘source’ when James comes and sits down; he tells the guy to leave.  She tells him she could have gotten what she wanted without compromising her pride; he says he will tell her what she needs to know.  The Captain looks at pictures of the Mad Hatter, gets news that an ambulance was just hijacked, and stands up without his cane.  When he realizes it, his veins become full again, enlarged and pulsing; he roars.  The Hatter has some girl tied to a chair, dressed up like his sister; she has no idea what is going on.  He stabs her in the throat and she falls to the table in front of her.  He writes a note and leaves it next to her.  It says, “James Gordon.”

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