Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Season 3, Episode 6; “Follow the White Rabbit” (10-24-2016)

A bride and groom come out of a large church; the bride’s father looks like someone important.  They get in the limousine and the driver tells them they are going to miss their reception; they have been locked in the car.  He tells them their fate depends entirely on James Gordon; he has a child in the front seat with him (?).  Penguin decides that he is in love with Ed and needs to confess his feelings; because, what good is love if it is one-sided?  Life only gives you one true love, find it and run to it, his mother used to tell him.  He tells his non-English-speaking maid that he is enrolling her in classes to learn the language.  He goes to see Edward, who has his itinerary for the day all ready; he thanks him.  Nigma apologizes for not being able to do something, thereby letting him down; Oswald tells him he has done nothing of the sort, adding that he would be lost without him.  He falls short of telling him that he loves him, though.  A mysterious ‘white’ man delivers a message to Jim… he goes out and stands by a pay phone; it rings and the Hatter speaks, telling him that he is going to force him to confront who he really is.  The couple gets out of the limo, get up on the edge and gets ready to jump; the Hatter tells him there is also a little boy about to get hit by a truck – he has the choice to save one of them.  He runs for the boy (what could he have done for the couple?).  Another phone rings; he answers… Jervis says he’s glad he has James’ attention.  He gives him an address and tells him to be there in five minutes, no police, or more people die.  In the room, as directed, James answers another phone call; he decides to hang up on him a couple of times – then the Hatter mentions that he has his reporter girlfriend.  James goes running, but they drive away in a van.  Tetch calls him to another warehouse; he has two men sitting in chairs, wired to electric wires; he wants James to shoot one of them and says the other will go free.  James refuses, and  electrocutes the both of them.  Harvey and some other officers come in, but they are too late.  Jim gets a feeling and calls Lee’s phone;  answers, so now that means he has both Lee and the reporter (Vale?) and is going to make him choose between them next.  Lee’s fiancé has not seen her all day.  The reporter asks Lee why they brought them back to her place; she says she doesn’t know… another question and Lee gets offensive, saying she is not going to be interviewed right now.  James gets another message from the white man, who is apparently under hypnosis; it tells him to walk through Lee’s door.  Lee’s fiancé comes into the station as James is on his way out; he tells him to come with him.  James goes in and sees them all at the table; the Hatter tells him to have a seat.  He pours them tea, then starts to tell a story (about a brother and sister).  Meanwhile, Falcone sneaks in the back door and goes up to a bedroom; looking through a drawer, he finds a gun.  The Hatter makes it clear that he knows all about these two women and their relationships to James; then he asks him to choose.  James tells him to drop his gun, just as Falcone lifts his behind the Hatter.  The Hatter says he emptied that cartridge, it clicks, no shot.  Hatter’s men grab him and take him away.  James begins to taunt the Hatter, telling him that his sister didn’t love him; she was afraid of him and what he used to do to her, deliberately trying to piss him off so that he’ll shoot him instead; he says he won’t choose.  The Hatter gives him to the count of three, and starts counting.  Jim says to shoot Lee; Hatter shoots Valerie. He leaves; they call an ambulance.  Oswald practices his speech across the table from an empty chair, while Edward picks out a bottle of wine.  He meets a lady in the wine shop who catches his eye; she looks like Ms. Kringle, but with blonde hair.  She asks him a riddle about time; he is impressed.  James and Lee sit in the hospital waiting room for news on Vale.

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