Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Season 3, Episode 7; “Red Queen” (10-31-2016)

The Hatter removes his sister’s body from the morgue and drains every last drop of her blood into a bottle, planning on revenge against all of Gotham.  He then goes to some magic shop and purchases a red powder, which is said to drive people crazy, saying he is going to get his revenge on all of Gothem.  He prepares for a dinner party, having invited many distinguished guests, and puts a drop of blood into each wine glass; Jervis Tetch addresses the ‘heads of Gotham’ and says it’s time for heads to roll… he offers a toast and insists everyone drinks their wine.  The Captain and his men storm in the room and tell everyone to put their glasses down; he tackles Jervis to the ground.  Vale wakes up and tells Jim that she knows he truly loves Lee, since she is the one he told Tetch to shoot (figuring Jim knew he would shoot the other); she tells him they are done, with a tear running down her cheek.  Jim won’t be brushed off quite so easily; he comes back to the hospital to visit her, and sees Tetch, who catches Jim coming around a corner and blows some of the Red Queen powder in his face.  Jim goes on a strange trip, down in an elevator with his ex-wife, where she tells him he has to “ride out the trip,” they stop on a floor where he sees Bruce, wearing a mask, but then Bruce disappears; a blast, and he is in a war trench with Penguin, who is speaking jibberish, then tells him never to leave his unit behind… he runs off to find Bruce, who shows him the police department full of dead bodies; then Bruce, with the mask down, shoots Jim, then pulls beads out of his stomach and pushes him off the ledge.  He wakes up, being resuscitated by his ex….in the elevator again.  She takes him to another floor and pushes him off, he enters a house, where a little girl and boy greet him as ‘daddy’ and Lee comes out of the kitchen, his wife; they sit down to dinner, the light starts swinging and the light fades, the kids disappear, then Lee; he is back I in the elevator again with Barbara.  She gives him a key and tells him to use it, or don’t, it’s up to him.  He steps outside to see a man looking for a car key; it’s his father… he tells him to get in or their going to be late.  He hears something and looks up, through the walls of the building, to where he is laying on the floor; a doctor and nurse come in and find him.  He gets in the car with his dad, who apologizes for not being around more; he tells his dad he admires him, and wanted to be like him – but he’s the opposite, he says.  He’s not a hero.  His dad tells him the Gordons have a code they have to live by and asks if he remembers what it is; then a car sideswipes them – headlights turn into hospital room lights.  Jim wakes up, saved by Lee’s fiancé, Falcone.  Bruce has a date with Salina; they are both a little apprehensive and slightly stand-off-ish.  He made her a cake; they cut it.  Penguin is not happy when Ed tells him he has met someone, and thinks he’s in love.  After all, Oswald was just about ready to confess his feelings for Ed.  Edward’s new girlfriend is head over heels in love with him; even though Oswald did his best to dissuade her from any interest, by telling her Ed killed his last girlfriend.  He comes home from the dinner party to find them kissing, surprised to see her there – he begins to tell Ed about the party disruption, but excuses himself promptly.  In another location, two elders (one woman, named Catherine, and a man, wearing a ring identical to Jim’s father’s ring) discuss the dinner; he says she left just in time, she says indeed.  He asks about the new mayor and says they will keep an eye on him – judgment is coming, he says, from all of them.  Jim tells the Captain that he wants to rejoin the GCPD, saying he made a promise to someone when he was younger and intends to keep that promise.  The Captain welcomes him back.

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